At Newfield School we proudly serve a diverse community and believe that students’ achievements will lead to opportunity and choice throughout their lives.
Ultimately we want every young person who comes through our doors to:
- Be immersed in a rich culture based around knowledge and curiosity, community values and ambitions
- Know what it means to be a student at Newfield School and the standards they should uphold
- Become more rounded individuals with exceptional manners and learning habits
- Conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner as they have a desire to be their best self
We define our values through the "3 Cs":
Vision – What a great Newfield School will look like
Leadership - Commitment
- The school is well led by a Head teacher and senior team that has integrity, tenacity and cohesiveness. Decisions are made with honesty and transparency and for the best interests of the students and staff. Everyone in the school understands the ethos and priorities of the school and work together to achieve these.
- All teachers are leaders of education and committed to providing outstanding learning experiences. Teachers are well read, experts in their subject and constantly developing their practice. Students enjoy their learning.
- The Trust supports, and is supported by, members of the school to ensure the best experiences for young people.
- The Governing body support and challenge the work of the leaders to provide the best possible experience for the students and families.
A Learning Community - Curiosity
- Students enjoy their learning and are inspired by their teachers. Teachers make the best use of time in lessons and as a result, students make rapid progress and go on to achieve excellent exam results.
- The curriculum provides interest and challenge. Students remember and apply what is taught and can work independently and collaboratively when needed.
- Students can communicate well, both in written form and through speech. They have confidence speaking in front of others in a range of settings.
- Students read for pleasure. Every student has a reading book and can recommend ‘a good read’.
- Technology supports teaching and learning and is accessible to all.
Developing the Whole Child - Considerate
- Students are well behaved, good ambassadors for the school and family, and enjoy coming to school. They feel safe and happy.
- All students take part in a range of extra-curricular and enriching experiences throughout their time at the school through the Newfield School Diploma and the Newfield Pledge.
- The curriculum and culture of the school enables the personal development of all students.
- Students are ambitious and seek the best opportunities for further study when they leave the school.
School Priorities – How we can achieve this, 2020-2021
Leadership - Commitment
- Senior Leadership Team roles clear and utilise the strengths of those individuals.
- Calendar and meeting structures in place.
- Continual Professional Development plans for different career stage teachers in place and effective. Whole school CPD focus on school priorities.
- Consistency in application of Consistent Discipline Model. Good relationships between students and staff. Fewer behaviour sanctions. Significant reduction in Fixed Term Exclusions and Permanent Exclusions.
- Attendance strategy has significant impact and attendance levels are at the national average. Persistent Absence figures reduce.
- Rewards structure is valued by students and has a motivating effect.
- There are effective interventions in place that support students struggling with school, including the Engagement Curriculum.
- Progress of key cohorts is supported to ensure individual student potential realised and ‘gaps’ narrowed.
- Staff well-being committee provide support and help inform school priorities.
- Ofsted ‘Good’ achieved.
A place of learning - Curiosity
- There is a common understanding of what great teaching looks like and teachers typically adopt these approaches in their everyday practice.
- The reading strategy encourages reading for pleasure as well as academic reading, fluency and speech.
- The curriculum is well planned, sequenced and provides opportunity for Newfield School Diploma. It is implemented consistently across subjects.
- Quality assurance processes are reviewed and improved practice in place.
- Consistent approach to homework across the school.
Developing the whole child – Consideration
- The Personal Development curriculum is well planned and has dedicated time within the school timetable to ensure there is breadth of opportunity and covers the statutory entitlement and RE.
- Careers education is well planned and gives all students from Y7-11 impartial information and guidance so that students have a good idea of their interests and are ambitious for their futures.
- The options process ensures more students, especially disadvantaged students, take languages as an option.
- Newfield School Diploma has a re-launch and everyone has this as a priority.
- Newfield Pledge launch.
- Extra-curricular activities take place are wide ranging and are well communicated. Attendance is monitored and Pastoral staff and FTs follow up to encourage take up.
- Review student leadership and ensure Prefects/ambassadors model and advocate the school values.