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Our Curriculum Vision

Success is achieved by following the Newfield Way; being forged with powerful knowledge and strong character 

At Newfield School we believe that ‘Achievement Leads to Opportunity and Choice’. All our young people, whatever their starting points, deserve the highest quality education so that they confidently progress to the best further education, training and jobs.  

Newfield School sits on top of one of Sheffield’s seven hills with a view that spans the edge of the Peak District, the civic centre and the industrial east. Our intake is a comprehensive mix of socio-economic groupings and cultures and is reflective of the local community. These students are part of a city that was famed for the production of steel. Just like molten iron entering the crucible was forged into world class products; we take great care to imbue within our students a strong sense of confidence, independence and resilience as our hallmark of success. 

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Together we are:  

High performing because we are curious and have a thirst for knowledge.  

We love learning for learning’s sake. We fully participate in lessons, training and extra-curricular activities. We enjoy healthy competition. We are proud of our achievements.  

Considerate and value our community

We care about each other and our environment. We think of others and find ways to help others where we can. We know how to conduct ourselves in and out of school so that we are great ambassadors for our family and our school. We celebrate our diversity and show respect and tolerance.    

Succeed through commitment and relentless ambition.  

We aim high. We aspire to continue our studies or training in the best universities or equivalent so that we can get the best jobs giving us the best prospects. We know that to do this we need fortitude, commitment and strength of character.  

We begin our curriculum based on the prior learning of students and quickly establish a broad knowledge base from which we make rapid progress. We view each student as a future scholar and have high expectations about what each student can achieve. The scientific, geographical and historical context of our city is taught explicitly and supported by all students completing the Sheffield Round Walk. Our ambitious curriculum ensures that all students leave with the cultural capital necessary to compete globally with a world of opportunity and choice before them. 

Our approach to what we teach and how we teach it is based on proven educational and scientific research. We believe the acquisition of knowledge precedes the demonstration or practice of a skill. Learning activities focus the student on the subject matter not the task because our students are empowered by their knowledge. Teaching practice ensures retention of knowledge. No time is wasted in the lesson.    

Our students will gain a solid foundation in the core subjects; languages, humanities, creative arts and physical education. Deep understanding, sequenced learning and enriching experiences foster a thirst for knowledge, curiosity, ambition and pride. This is evidenced and celebrated in the Newfield School Diploma in Lower School and provides a platform for further study towards a range of GCSE and equivalent qualifications in Upper School and promotes good citizenship.  

In order to achieve our aim of ensuring that our curriculum stretches and contributes to the personal development of all our students, helping them to become citizens that want to help to create a society that benefits all we offer a wide range of subjects at key stage 3 maintaining the balance between academic subjects whilst also prioritising curriculum time to allow the development of creative, cultural and sporting skills and knowledge. This is complimented by a wide range of GCSE and vocational options at key stage 4, ensuring that students can flourish, playing to their strengths and, hence, achieving their potential. Thereby creating the opportunity and choice at post 16 that all students deserve.  

Throughout their time at Newfield students are also supported with dedicated personal development lessons that run throughout the academic year. Each year students will receive 25 lessons that will cover topics such as health and well-being, democracy, relationships and sex education and current affairs such as climate change and the possible future impacts. 

Our Curriculum Principles 

  • Every scheme of learning is a clear progression model which is carefully sequenced with links made to prior learning.   
  • Clear ‘endpoints’ are identified for a topic, year group and key stage within the curriculum documents. 
  • Skills and disciplinary knowledge are identified in schemes of learning to ensure depth of learning. 
  • The curriculum is designed so that all students, regardless of ability, can access learning with appropriate support and challenge. 
  • Academic (tier 2) and subject specific (tier 3) language explicitly identified in curriculum documents for each topic.  
  • Formative and summative assessment is purposeful, timely and clearly identified in schemes of learning.  Through formative assessment, teachers can identify and address misconceptions as they occur. Iterative learning (reviewing previous learning) is embedded into lessons. 
  • Schemes of learning are designed and detailed so that delivery is broadly consistent across the department. 
  • Key learning components are clearly broken down and the right status is given to different components in the scheme of learning (this is particularly helpful for NQTs, new staff, those needing support and non-specialist teachers). 
  • All staff adhere to the timings of the sequence outlined in the scheme, discussing with the subject leader, where appropriate, if this is not possible. Adequate time is allocated to pause and revisit learning in lessons. 
  • Opportunities to explore diversity and to challenge stereotypes or inequalities are embedded to represent our multicultural community. 
  • Students are given opportunities to learn about local communities and the wider world in order to support life beyond the curriculum. 
  • Schemes of learning meet and go beyond the National Curriculum.  
  • Opportunities for the Newfield School Diploma are explicit in the sequencing. 

Our intent comes to life in lessons through our teaching and learning principles. These principles are driven by current research and best practice and lead to a fantastic learning environment for all pupils at Newfield School. 

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